Abscess in Ano-rectal region: An Ayurvedic view

Abscess in Ano-rectal region: An Ayurvedic view Anorectal abscess Anal abscess; Rectal abscess; Perirectal abscess; Perianal abscess; anal gland abscess; Abscess – anorectal An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus in the area of the anus and rectum. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Common causes of anorectal abscess include: Blocked glands in the anal area Infection of an anal fissure Sexually transmitted infection Deep rectal abscesses may be caused by intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis. The following factors increase your risk for an anorectal abscess: Anal sex Chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer Diabetes Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative […]

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कब्‍ज दूर करने के घरेलू उपचार (Hindi) Remedies for constipation

कब्‍ज दूर करने के घरेलू उपचार Home remedies for constipation सामान्य रूप से मल का निष्कासन ना होना तथा आंतों में मल का रूकना कब्ज कहलाता है॰ कब्ज से सम्बन्धित अन्य लेख पढ्ने के लिये यहां क्लिक करें; Constipation: Causes, Prevention and treatment as per Ayurveda कब्ज़ की आसान चिकित्सा REMEDIES FOR CONSTIPATION IN HINDI अनियमित दिनचर्या और खान-पान के कारण कब्‍ज और पेट गैस की समस्‍या आम बीमारी की तरह हो गई है। कब्‍ज रोगियों में गैस व पेट फूलने की शिकायत भी देखने को मिलती है। लोग कहीं भी और कुछ भी खा लेते हैं। खाने के बाद बैठे रहना, डिनर के बाद तुरंत सो जाना ऐसी आदतें हैं जिनके कारण कब्‍ज की शिकायत शुरू होती है। पेट में गैस बनने की बीमारी ज्‍यादातर बुजुर्गों में देखी जाती है […]

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Ayurveda and Vaastu

Ayurveda and Vaastu According to Vaastu scriptures, there are two essential ways to maximize your health with ayurcveda and vastu Balancing The Influence Of 5 Cosmic Elements Harmonizing Your Doshas With 5 Elements Ether – hollow spaces in body, free fields Air – movements, joints, breathing Fire – digestion, burning and metabolism of cells, blood Water – liquids, lymph, mucus (together with earth) Earth – bones, teeth, solid bodily components BALANCING INFLUENCE OF FIVE ELEMENTS Vastu defects in each direction causes imbalance of 5 elements. Consequently give rise to various physical illnesses. Ether and water elements in north east: In […]

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Kshara Sutra Therapy in the treatment of Pilonidal Sinus

Ayurveda treatments for pilonidal sinus ‘Kshara Sutra Therapy’ in the treatment of ‘Pilonidal Sinus’    Dr. Naveen Chauhan BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV (Kshara Sutra) Consultant Ayurveda Proctologist Founder Director: Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad   View Dr. Chauhan’s informative video in Hindi on Pilonidal sinus disease पाइलोनिडल साइनस (नासूर) के कारण, लक्षण एवं चिकित्सा  What is Pilonidal Sinus?  Pilonidal sinus treatment in Ghaziabad by Dr. Chauhan ‘Pilus’ = Hair and ‘nidus’ = nest; Pilonidal sinus means ‘sinus with nest of hair.’ This condition is commonly occurs in hairy men. This is an acquired condition. When a person sits, buttocks take maximum […]

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Constipation: Causes, Prevention and treatment as per Ayurveda

Constipation: Causes, Prevention and treatment as per Ayurveda The word constipation comes from the Latin constipare meaning “to press, crowd together”, and from 1400 A.D. Latin Constipationem. According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, constipation is “A condition in which bowel movements are infrequent or incomplete”. Constipation is also known as costiveness, and irregularity. Constipation is a condition of the digestive system. The sufferer has hard feces that are difficult to expel. In most cases, this occurs because the colon (Lower part of large intestine where feces formed from undigested remements of food) has absorbed too much of the water from the […]

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बवासीर (पाईल्स); कारण, बचाव एवं आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा Piles; causes, prevention and Ayurvedic Treatment:

बवासीर (पाईल्स) कारण बचाव एवं आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा Piles; causes, prevention and Ayurveda treatments in Hindi   Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV (KSHARA SUTRA) SURGEON CUM AYURVEDA PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST IN FISTULA in ANO, PILES, FISSURE, PILONIDAL SINUS, ANO-RECTAL ABSCESSES AROUND 10 YEARS OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN AYURVEDA SURGICAL PROCEDURES   बवासीर गुदा (मलद्वार) में होने वाली एक सामान्य बीमारी है, जिसमें मलत्याग के समय रक्तस्राव तथा मस्से फूलने की समस्या होती है. इसे पाईल्स या हेमोराइड्स भी कहते हैं। आयुर्वेद में इसे अर्श कहते हैं। यह बीमारी स्त्रियों की अपेक्षा पुरुषों में कुछ ज्यादा होती है। बवासीर प्रमुख कारण Piles; causes  बवासीर का प्रमुख कारण पेट […]

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The concept of Health as per Ayurveda, आयुर्वेद मतानुसार स्वास्थ्य

The concept of Health as per Ayurved  आयुर्वेद मतानुसार स्वास्थ्य समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०) Samadosha, samagnischa,Samadhatumalkriyah ! Prasannatmendriyamanah,Swastha iti abhidhiyate !! (Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10)According to ancient Ayurvedist Sushruta;An individual/person who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s; Doshas (humors), Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (tissues), Malah kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual. This definition of Health closely resembles to that given by World Health Organization (WHO). Thus Ayurveda has said thousands of […]

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Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda

Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda Ano-rectal disorders are progressively increasing in the society. Few important causes out of a number of them are; sedentary life style, irregular and inappropriate diet, prolonged sitting and/or standing and psychological disturbances like anxiety, depression etc. Ano-rectal problems coupled with psychological manifestations are the causes, inter-related to each other. As per Ayurveda, these above mentioned causes result in derangement of ‘Jatharagni’ (the digestive power) which leads to constipation and other associated symptoms. Constipation leads to generation of hard stool (fecolith) which when expelled leads to trauma in anal canal and […]

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Advantages of Ayurveda Kshara sutra therapy over conventional surgery in Ano-rectal patients

  ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF KSHAR SUTRA THERAPY OVER CONVENTIONAL SURGERY IN ANORECTAL PATIENTS Dr. Monica Sreshtha, MS (Ay) Consultant Surgeon and Ayurveda Proctologist CEO, Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad     It is a simple, safe and sure treatment for fistula –in-ano (95-98% success rate)  Ksharsutra is – chemical fistulectomy rather than surgical fistulectomy.  It is a simple minimum invasive surgical technique. Recurrence is negligible (3-5%). Performed in Minor O.T. conditions. Only 30- 45 minutes is required for the procedure Hospital stay is usually minimum (5-6 hrs). Minimal bed rest is required after the procedure. No damage to anal sphincter […]

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