Home remedies for Fissure anal pain and constipation

Home remedies for Fissure anal pain and constipation Anal fissure treatment by simple home remedies and diet tips Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV (KSHARA SUTRA) CONSULTANT PROCTO-SURGEON CUM AYURVEDA PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST IN FISTULA in ANO, PILES, FISSURE, PILONIDAL SINUS, ANO-RECTAL ABSCESSES MORE THAN 12 YEARS OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN ANORECTAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES SHRI DHANWANTARI CLINIC, GHAZIABAD   Anal pain; fissure in ano: How to prevent it? Pain in anal region during passing of stool is the cause of trouble for most Fissure patients. Anal fissure or Fissure in ano is a linear cut or tear at the […]

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Can fissure be cured by medicines without surgery?

Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV Consultant Ayurveda Proctologist Founder-Director, Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad The most common question that has been encountered before me in last 12 years of my practice in Ano-rectal cases is that can Fissure or Piles or Fistula be cured without any procedure by medicines only? As far as Fissure in ano is concerned a patient can have some relief to know the fact that in most of the cases, Fissure can be cured by medicines only. Only a very few cases require surgical intervention. The underlying cause of Fissure is passing of hard […]

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How my Fistula cured by Kshar sutra treatment? Thanks Dr. Chauhan !

Dear All, I am going to share with you my personal experience and finding towards fistula as well as ano-rectal disease. I am 29 years old man & was suffering from fistula in ano. This disease spoiled my life. I was not able to sit for 3 months. First of all I met 3-4 renowned surgeons. All surgeons have suggested open surgery. They have also agreed towards maximum chances of recurrence. I have consulted 2-3 patient of fistula which has gone through the open surgery for 2nd to 3rd attempt and even after 3rd attempt they have not cured. In […]

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फिशर: कारण, लक्षण एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा Fissure Ayurvedic treatment causes symptoms Hindi

  फिशर: कारण, लक्षण एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा Fissure : Causes, Symptoms and Ayurveda treatments डॉ नवीन चौहान, BAMS , CRAV (क्षार सूत्र) कंसल्टेंट आयुर्वेद फिजिशियन व गुदा रोग सर्जन   फिशर के बारे में डॉ नवीन चौहान की वीडियो देखें ! क्या होता है फिशर? What is a fissure? आमतौर पर गुदा से संबधित सभी रोगों को बवासीर या पाइल्स ही समझ लिया जाता है, लेकिन इसमें कई और रोग भी हो सकते हैं। जिन्हें हम पाइल्स समझते  हैं। ऐसा ही एक रोग है फिशर। इसे आयुर्वेद में गुदचीर या परिकर्तिका भी कहते हैं। इस रोग में गुदा के आसपास […]

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What are the chances of recurrence in Fissure in ano after Ayurveda Kshara sutra treatment

To read this article in Hindi Click here    Anal Fissure or Fissure in ano is a very painful condition that leads to a lot of discomfort to the person suffering from it. To understand it properly we have to go through at the root cause of the problem. At most of the time anal fissure is caused due to passage of hard stool during defecation. The hard stool causes a tear at the anal canal which cause a lot of pain during passing of stools. If the patient has consulted a doctor and took treatment whether by kshara sutra […]

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Can Piles-Fissure-Fistula be cured by medicines only without any surgical or parasurgical procedure?

Practically it has been observed that only first degree piles/hemorrhoids and anal fissure in its initial stage can be controlled by Ayurvedic medication. But in 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees of piles/hemorrhoids, Chronic fissure in ano and fistula in ano, abscess, pilonidal sinus etc. need surgical intervention. However people tend to refrain from surgery due to fear and/or expensiveness and wander here and there in search of medicine. Quacks take the advantage from such patients and finally lead to aggravation of the disease. Among various surgical and parasurgical approaches, the Ayurvedic kshara sutra therapy has been proved to be extremely […]

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Sitz bath; a wonder remedy in anorectal problems

Sitz bath; a wonder remedy in anorectal problems Sitz Bath: The name is derived from the German verb ‘sitzen’ meaning ‘to sit.’ Definition: A sitz bath (also called a hip bath) is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution. In Ayurveda it has been described as ‘Kati Snaana’ Equipment used for sitz baths: A sitz bath, in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution, is used for patients who have had surgery in the rectal area or to ease discomfort from fissure, painful […]

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Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda

Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda Ano-rectal disorders are progressively increasing in the society. Few important causes out of a number of them are; sedentary life style, irregular and inappropriate diet, prolonged sitting and/or standing and psychological disturbances like anxiety, depression etc. Ano-rectal problems coupled with psychological manifestations are the causes, inter-related to each other. As per Ayurveda, these above mentioned causes result in derangement of ‘Jatharagni’ (the digestive power) which leads to constipation and other associated symptoms. Constipation leads to generation of hard stool (fecolith) which when expelled leads to trauma in anal canal and […]

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Precautions to be taken during and after Kshara sutra treatment

PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING AND AFTER KSHARA SUTRA TREATMENT क्षार सूत्र चिकित्सा के समय व बाद में क्या क्या सावधानियाँ बरतें !!! हिंदी में पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें. Avoid straining during defecation: It has been observed that people suffering from anorectal diseases (Piles, Fissure in ano, Fistula in ano etc.) generally do excessive straining during the act of defecation. According to Ayurveda, the root cause of these diseases is ‘mandaagni’ (sluggish digestive fire) which ultimately leads to ‘kosthabaddhta’ (constipation). An individual with constipated bowels try to strain while passing stools to expel the faeces but ultimately it […]

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