What happens if you don’t care about Fistula and leave it untreated?

What are the risks if Anal Fistula left untreated? Is it really dangerous? Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV (KSHARA SUTRA) SURGEON CUM AYURVEDA PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST IN FISTULA in ANO, PILES, FISSURE, PILONIDAL SINUS, ANO-RECTAL ABSCESSES AROUND 10 YEARS OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN AYURVEDA SURGICAL PROCEDURES   If the treatment is not done, the pus inside the fistula can spread further leading to formation of multiple tracts and several opening in the skin around the anus. This makes the fistula more complex and further difficult to treat. Anal Fistula treatment is associated with high recurrence rate. Anal fistula treatment […]

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भगन्दर के एक रोगी की कहानी उसी कि जुबानी ! जानिये क्षार सूत्र चिकित्सा से कैसे ठीक हुआ शब्बीर का भगन्दर?

  दोस्तों! मेरा नाम शब्बीर खान है और मैं ग्रेटर नॉएडा, उत्तर प्रदेश का रहने वाला हूँ. ये बात वर्ष 2010 की है जब मुझे अचानक सुबह टॉयलेट जाने पर खून आया. यह खून बिना किसी दर्द के और बूंदों के रूप में आया. मैं अपने फॅमिली डॉक्टर से मिला तो उन्होंने कुछ दवाइयां लिखी और कहा की ये बवासीर की शुरुआत हो सकती है. मैंने कुछ दिन दवाइयां खायी और ठीक हो गया. फिर लगभग एक महीने बाद मुझे वही समस्या फिर से हुई और फिर से खून आया और इस बार मुझे कुछ मस्से जैसा गुदा से बाहर […]

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Success story of a recurrence case of Fistula in ano, treated at Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad by Ayurveda Kshara sutra treatment

Success story of a recurrence case of Fistula in ano, treated at Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad by Ayurveda Kshara sutra treatment   Mr. B. Prasad, aged about 42 years, a state government employee, felt some pain at his left perianal region in February 2104.  He consulted his General Physician who had prescribed him some regular NSAIDs (Pain killer) and antibiotics.  He got some relief but after a period of about 10-15 days, he felt some nodule or boil at the same site with some discharge of pus like material. He again visited his Physician who referred him to a reputed […]

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Can Piles-Fissure-Fistula be cured by medicines only without any surgical or parasurgical procedure?

Practically it has been observed that only first degree piles/hemorrhoids and anal fissure in its initial stage can be controlled by Ayurvedic medication. But in 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees of piles/hemorrhoids, Chronic fissure in ano and fistula in ano, abscess, pilonidal sinus etc. need surgical intervention. However people tend to refrain from surgery due to fear and/or expensiveness and wander here and there in search of medicine. Quacks take the advantage from such patients and finally lead to aggravation of the disease. Among various surgical and parasurgical approaches, the Ayurvedic kshara sutra therapy has been proved to be extremely […]

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भगन्दर (फिस्टुला): कारण, निदान एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा | Fistula in Hindi

Fistula Bhagandar treatment in Hindi Fistula Bhagandar meaning in Hindi   भगन्दर (फिस्टुला): कारण, निदान एवं आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा डॉ. नवीन चौहान, बी.ए.एम.एस., सी.सी.वाय.पी., आर.ओ.टी.पी., सी.आर.ए.वी. (क्षार सूत्र) कंसलटेंट आयुर्वेद फिजिशियन व क्षार सूत्र सर्जन Helpline : +91-9818069989 भगन्दर क्या है ? भगन्दर कैसे बनता है ? समझिये डॉ चौहान के इस वीडियो द्वारा    भगन्दर क्या है ? Fistula in ano or Anal Fistula भगन्दर गुदा क्षेत्र में होने वाली एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें गुदा द्वार के आस पास एक फुंसी या फोड़ा जैसा बन जाता है जो एक पाइपनुमा रास्ता बनता हुआ गुदामार्ग या मलाशय में खुलता है. शल्य […]

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Abscess in Ano-rectal region: An Ayurvedic view

Abscess in Ano-rectal region: An Ayurvedic view Anorectal abscess Anal abscess; Rectal abscess; Perirectal abscess; Perianal abscess; anal gland abscess; Abscess – anorectal An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus in the area of the anus and rectum. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Common causes of anorectal abscess include: Blocked glands in the anal area Infection of an anal fissure Sexually transmitted infection Deep rectal abscesses may be caused by intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis. The following factors increase your risk for an anorectal abscess: Anal sex Chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer Diabetes Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative […]

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Sitz bath; a wonder remedy in anorectal problems

Sitz bath; a wonder remedy in anorectal problems Sitz Bath: The name is derived from the German verb ‘sitzen’ meaning ‘to sit.’ Definition: A sitz bath (also called a hip bath) is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution. In Ayurveda it has been described as ‘Kati Snaana’ Equipment used for sitz baths: A sitz bath, in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution, is used for patients who have had surgery in the rectal area or to ease discomfort from fissure, painful […]

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Fistula-in-ano; 10 important things you must know!

Fistula-in-ano; 10 important things you must know! भगन्दर के आयुर्वेद इलाज के बारे में १० जरुरी बातें। इस लेख को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें! Author: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, CCYP, ROTP, CRAV (KSHARA SUTRA) SURGEON CUM AYURVEDA PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST IN FISTULA in ANO, PILES, FISSURE, PILONIDAL SINUS, ANO-RECTAL ABSCESSES AROUND 10 YEARS OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN AYURVEDA SURGICAL PROCEDURES Founder-Director, Shri Dhanwantari Clinic, Ghaziabad Fistula-in-ano (Bhagandar) is a disease in which there develops a track between perianal skin and/or rectum or anal canal. The main symptom that appears is mucopurulent discharge through the external opening present anywhere […]

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