Understanding Proctology: A Complete Guide to Anal and Rectal Health

Proctology, also known as colorectal surgery,  is a medical specialty that focuses on the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon-related diseases. While these areas are essential for overall health and well-being, people often avoid discussing them because of society’s rules and discomfort in discussing such issues. This guide aims to shed light on the importance of proctology and how maintaining anal and rectal health can improve your quality of life. What Does a Proctologist Do? Proctologists, or colorectal surgeons, are professionals who specialize in treating diseases and disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. They manage conditions like hemorrhoids and anal […]

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Piles in pregnancy; How to get rid? Prevention and treatment for piles in pregnancy

Piles in pregnancy Article by: Dr. Saket K. Garg, Senior Ayurveda Consultant Sanjeevani Ayurveda, Saharanpur, U.P. Piles in Man & Woman & गर्भावस्था की मुख्य ज्वलंत समस्या…अर्श PILES समस्त नारी शक्ति को “ स्वस्थ भारत…स्वस्थ समाज ” की मुहीम में, मेरा पुनः नमन और अभिनंदन । वैसे तो , आज का स्वास्थ्य संबंधित विषय ऐसा हैं जो स्त्री और पुरुष दोनों को ही समान रूप से प्रभावित करता हैं और यह भी कटु सत्य हैं कि समाज का एक बड़ा वर्ग इस रोग से , संकोचवश किसी प्रशिक्षित चिकित्सक द्वारा उचित परामर्श लिए बगैर , कष्टकारी जीवन जीने को मजबूर […]

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How to prevent Anal Fissure? फिशर से कैसे बचें?

फ़िशर से कैसे बचें? How to prevent fissure and anal pain?   डॉ नवीन चौहान, वरिष्ठ आयुर्वेद गुदा रोग विशेषज्ञ सर्जन श्री धन्वन्तरि क्लिनिक, ग़ाज़ियाबाद What is anal fissure? फिशर (Anal fissure) में गुदा मार्ग की भीतरी सतह चिर जाती है जिससे मलत्याग के समय दर्द होता है। यह फ़िशर या गुदचीर का सामान्य लक्षण होता है। ऐसा फिशर जो नया बना हो वह तीव्र या एक्यूट फिशर कहलाता है। यदि फिशर गहरा हो और उसे बने हुए 8 हफ्ते से अधिक का समय हो गया हो तो वह क्रॉनिक फिशर कहलाता है एक्यूट फिशर भोजन संबंधित वह लाइफस्टाइल संबंधित […]

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How check up is done in piles fistula fissure diseases? Is it painful?

How check up is done in piles fistula fissure diseases by your doctor? Article by: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, Senior Ayurveda Proctologist, Ghaziabad There are many diseases is that occur in ano-rectal area, some of them are; Piles or Hemorrhoids, Fissure in ano or anal fissure, Fistula in ano or anal fistula, Perianal abscess etc. Symptoms of Piles/Hemorrhoids, Fissure, Fistula In piles patients usually suffer from bleeding during the act of defecation. This bleeding can be in the form of drops or sometimes as splash in the toilet pan in large amount. Bleeding in hemorrhoids is usually painless. In fissure in […]

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पाइल्स का चेक अप कैसे किया जाता है? क्या पाइल्स के चेक अप में दर्द होता है?

पाइल्स का चेक अप कैसे करते हैं डॉक्टर? How  Piles/Hemorrhoids check up is done? Article by: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, Senior Ayurveda Proctologist, Ghaziabad मलद्वार या गुदाद्वार में होने वाली बीमारियां जिनमें प्रमुख है बवासीर या पाइल्स (piles/hemorrhoids), फिशर या गुदचीर (Anal fissure or Fissure in ano),   फिस्टुला इन एनो  भगंदर (Fistula in ano) बवासीर के लक्षण Symptoms of Piles/Hemorrhoids बवासीर (piles) का प्रमुख लक्षण मल त्याग के समय खून का आना या मल त्याग के समय दर्द होना हो सकता है ऐसे में इसका उचित रूप से इलाज करवाने के लिए आपको डॉक्टर के पास चेकअप के लिए जरूर जाना […]

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Anal itching treatment and remedies

Anal Itching Treatment and Remedies Article by: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, BAMS, PGCRAV, Senior Ayurveda Proctologist Director and Chief Consultant: Mediwin Medical Centre, Ghaziabad What is anal itching/Pruritus ani? Anal itching is a common condition. The itching occurs inside the anus or at the skin around it. Itching is often very much intense and sometimes accompanied by a strong urge to scratch. It creates embarrassing and uncomfortable situation sometimes. Anal itching is also called pruritus ani, and there may be many possible causes for it, such as skin problems, hemorrhoids, and washing too much or not enough. गुदा में खुजली होने […]

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गुदरोग में धूपन चिकित्सा का महत्व Fumigation in ano-rectal problems

Medicated fumigation in Ano-rectal problems गुदरोग में धूपन चिकित्सा का महत्व                                                            Author: Dr. Snehal Kadam BAMS, CCKAS (Kshar sutra) Senior Ayurveda Consultant and Proctologist Director: ASIM Hospital, Surat, Gujrat   Ayurveda Fumigation therapy आयुर्वेद धूपन चिकित्सा गुदा रोग में  इन्फ़ैकशन कंट्रोल कर पाना बहोत ही मुश्किल होता है। क्योंकि शरीर की सारी गंदगी मल के रूप मे गुद द्वार (Anus) से ही बाहर निकलती है। तो यहाँ के इन्फेक्शंस का नियमन […]

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Will piles-hemorrhoids reoccur after surgery or other treatments?

Will Piles reoccur after Surgery or other treatments Concept behind recurrence of Hemorrhoids disease even after treatment or surgery Article by: Dr. Naveen Chauhan, Consultant Ayurveda Proctologist, Ghaziabad In my 14 years of Ano-rectal clinical practice probably the most common query raised by the patients regarding the treatment of Hemorrhoids is ‘Is Surgery or kshar sutra is the permanent solution for piles/hemorrhoids disease’? The honest answer to this question is both Yes and No. Let me explain you how it is so? In my previous posts I have already explained that pathological Piles or Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the […]

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Causes of Piles in Children : Why anal pain occurs in children?

Causes of Piles in children

Causes of Piles in Children In children Piles disease or Hemorrhoids do not occur generally or classical symptoms of Hemorrhoids are seen rarely in children. However anal pain and Anal fissure are quite common in them especially when constipation is present.   In common words called hemorrhoids, the main Causes of Piles In Children is when the veins around the anus region and the rectum are increased. In common words called hemorrhoids, the main cause of hemorrhoids is when the veins around the anus region and the rectum are increased. But most patients of hemorrhoids experience a lot of discomfort […]

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Best Food for Hemorrhoids patient

Best Food for Hemorrhoids Patients

Best Food for Hemorrhoids Patient Watch the video on Diet for piles, constipation, fissure patients in Hindi by Dr. Naveen Chauhan   “Eat more fiber.” And “ should be hydrated.” This advice everyone gets to everyone about hemorrhoids – and this is good. But what does it mean in our real life, when you are buying a ration at a grocery store or decidng what to put on your plate? Then How to Decide the best food for hemorrhoids patient. 1. Beans, Lentils, and Nuts You will have many opportunities to cut the bean with the family. Just about 1/2 […]

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