1. THE KSHARA SUTRA THERAPY (MEDICATED ALKALINE THREAD): The Ksharasutra was first mentioned by the "Father of Surgery" Sushruta in his treatise named 'SUSHRUT SAMHITA' for the treatment of 'Naadi Vrana' (sinus), Bhagandara (Fistula- in - ano), Arbuda (small benign tumour) etc. Although Brihattrayi - the chief three texts of Ayurveda mention the use of kshara sutra, there is no description of its preparation properly. It was Chakrapani Dutta in late eleventh century, who first mentioned the method of preparation with a clear-cut indication of its use in Bhagandara (Fistula in ano) and Arshas (Haemorrhoids). In his book 'Chakradutta', he has explained the method that by smearing a sutra (thread) repeatedly in the latex of 'snuhi' (Euphorbia) and Haridra (Turmeric) powder makes the kshara sutra. Later authors like Bhavamishra, Bhaisajyaratnavali etc. also mentioned the same method. But because of brevity of preparation and inadequate explanation of procedure of application, it lost its popularity among Ayurvedic surgeons. Later in Rasatarangini a better preparation procedure was introduced. Still, the credit of making it practically and standerdizing the kshara sutra therapy goes to Late Prof. P.J. Deshpandey and his team headed by Dr. S R Gupta. They rediscovered and standardized this ksharasutra in the present era at the Department of 'Shalya- Shalakya' (Surgery and ENT), Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Soon thereafter, Prof. Kulwant Singh at Dept. of Shalya-shalakaya IPGTR and A Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, alongwith his team, had done the extension of Kshara-sutra usage in other ano-rectal conditions like Piles (Haemorrhoids), Chronic Fissure-in-ano with sentinel tags and other benign growths. Thousands of patients of various ano-rectal disorders were treated successfully in Jamnagar under his supervision.